Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Thankful Day 6: A failure

Let me begin by saying, this is a deep and personal prompt! Sometimes we succeed, and well, sometimes we don't. Hopefully with every failure comes learning and growth.

In my life the failure that resulted in the most growth was from a past relationship I was in. I met someone and against the advice of fellow believers, I began dating him. To be honest, I fell hard and fast, which is very unlike me. Before I knew it, the relationship headed south and I was in over my head. As quickly as I had gotten myself into that mess, God graciously pulled me out of it.

During that time I felt God's grace and mercy more than ever. I realized that I am part of the body of Christ, and what I do has an effect on them. I learned that discipline is necessary and can be painful. I learned that I am not on a pedal stool and I am just as capable of sin as the next person. I learned that I need to guard my heart. I learned how important it is to live in community & accountability with other godly women.