Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Partly sunny with a chance of candy

So we’ve quickly come to find that Koreans love birthdays and holidays. That is A-okay with us! Today in Korea was ‘White Day.’ No, they don’t celebrate their ‘white’ foreigners …It’s in correlation with Valentine’s Day. Valentine’s Day is the day that girls give boys chocolate/gifts. White Day, March 14th, is the day that boys give girls chocolate/gifts! What a great holiday!! Then on April 14th is another holiday, I can’t remember the name of it, but it’s the day for those people that did not receive gifts either of the other days and apparently they all go out together. Sounds like fun to me. I was pleasantly surprised to receive candy from our director, one of my kindergartners, and one of my elementary students. We’re also celebrating St. Patrick’s Day on Friday.

This is Joshua, one of my kindergartners. He also wrote me a sweet note on the box.           I love that kid!! 

Here is Ashley. She's in the after school program meaning she goes to Korean school all day and then comes to Kids College to learn English. She's a sweetheart! 

Beka and I have made a new rule. Any time we sing a kids song after working hours we have to do 10 push-ups. We don’t even realize what’s happening until we’ve sang a line or two! The other day I was minding my own business, and next thing I know Beka says, “Give me 10!” haha! We’re going to be pretty buff, you just wait and see. 

Korea is so vain. It’s true. They would admit it right before giving you a ‘compliment’. Like the compliment I received the other day, “Alisha, you are much, much prettier in person!” Ha! ….thank-you?! So that compliment led to the conversation of the importance of looks when hiring. Our boss told us that everyone including our director has to approve our pictures before we’re hired. We asked why, and it’s straight up because they want good looking people that aren’t fat. Well alrighty then!

We also talked about the differences between Korean interviews and American interviews. Koreans, for example, are allowed to ask age, about their family, and their religion. If someone claims to be a Christian they will ask, “Do you go to church every Sunday?” Wow! Could you imagine? The funny thing is though, our vice principal interviewed around 30 people for 3 positions and the three of us that are here are the only three people that she did not ask religious beliefs, for whatever reason, and we all three are Christian.

So back home I was pretty disappointed to leave the Seed and to miss out on the women’s group. Sunday we tried the Foreigner’s Church in Okpo. We met a lot of really cool people and we’re looking forward to joining in their small groups. Their women’s group is beginning in Romans in just a couple of weeks on Thursday nights so Beka and I are planning on going to that! Of course I still miss my Seed family, but the Lord is providing for us!

For those of you that find kindness in your hearts to send a care package, here is a list we’ve thought of.  EDIT: We have already received TWO packages! Thank you Luke & Ana and thank you Stephanie & Ed!! I also know some people are preparing packages or have sent packages, thank you too!!! You're all amazing! 

Beka and Alisha's Wish List:
  • Packages of dry soup
  • Black Beans
  • Mac & cheese. Kraft and Velveta
  • 100% fruit strips
  • Granola bars
  • Energy bars
  • Dried fruit
  • Teddy Graham’s
  • Any other American foods/snacks that we may be forgetting about.
  • Tomato seeds – We’re planning on growing some this spring!
  • Hand Sanitizer – those kids are germy!
  • One or two sticks of natural deodorant
  • Recycled DVD’s =)
  • Most importantly: cards, letters, post cards – any sort of love that way!! <3 
  • NEW addition!: A simple, yet efficient, hand can opener
Beka and I have yet to find the post office. We fully intend on using it once we do! 

Bedtime. Zzzzzz! 

1 comment:

  1. haha i love hearing what other people get as compliments here. i went to the doctor and they have you passport photo attached to you file (weird right?) and he told me that i looked fat in my photo but not to worry because i look better now...thanks?? haha
