Sunday, March 18, 2012


It's funny the things you crave while living in another country. Of course when you think of craving something you think of food. We all know I've been craving lots of food! Thankfully we found black beans and had some for dinner tonight! In the states I paid less than a dollar for a can of black beans. Here they are 2800 won, which is about $2.50! Totally worth it though.

Besides food though, Beka and I have both been craving watching a movie! It's ironic because neither of us were big movie watchers back home but tonight we spent half an hour trying to watch a movie, sadly without success. First we tried some random sites online without luck, then we tried my itunes. For some reason it wouldn't let me pay for a movie but I remembered I had a gift card so I thought we were set. However, it still claimed to need my billing info to be able to watch. Fail. Then I tried and to try to at least watch a T.V. show. Nope, can't watch it out of the states. So no movie or T.V. show for us. I originally planned on bringing a couple with me but they didn't make the cut. If I knew then what I knew now I would have left some clothes behind and traded them for food and DVD's. Live and learn, live and learn!

Yesterday, after sleeping in and Skyping of course, we went to the beach with some other teachers in the area and had a BBQ for St. Patrick's day. It was nice to be outside and be near the ocean. I'm looking forward to this summer when we'll camp on the beach!

Today we went back to Okpo Foreigner's Church. Beka and I are so thankful for this church! We've connected with a lot of the people and it's helping Korea to feel like home. I know I'll look forward to it every week. The service was on waiting on the Lord. I've really learned a lot about waiting on the Lord over the past year or so, and it was nice to hear a sermon on it. After church we went to eat. We were going to go to a 'western' restaurant but they were both closed. We ended up going to a Turkish place and I had falafel. Then we were introduced to the World Market, full of American food. Peanut butter galore, tomato soup, oatmeal, granola bars, and deodorant were some of the things we were glad to see.

After a long 4 hour nap (I love sleeping!!), we worked on lesson plans for a while. I also got to Skype with my grandma so that's always good! Now it's getting close to 1am. I should probably go to bed since tomorrow starts week 3 of being a kindergarten teacher.

Happy Sunday to my family and friends back home!

Isaiah 40:31
"..but they that wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint."

1 comment:

  1. I am glad you found food you like! You are right, I would starve there. I hate beans. I would have to live off of rice. :)

    It is funny to see the small things we take for granted, like watching movies. Glad you got a long nap. Naps are the best. Thanks for the verse. Miss you pretty lady! Praying for you Lish!

    Also, I made my own blog JUST so I could comment on yours. I have a feeling I am going to become addicted soon. ;) haha.
