Tuesday, March 20, 2012

One month today!

We've officially been in Korea for a month. This time last month I was getting picked up from the airport. It’s hard believe that it’s been a month!

Throughout the month we've:

Adopted Ethan as family
Fallen in love with our kids
Settled in to our apartment
Started to get into a routine with school
Found a church home
Tried kimchi numerous times without being fond of it
Gone hiking and running in our area
Made a rule: 10 push-ups per children’s song sang after school
Found an adorable, cozy coffee shop

In the upcoming months we’re hoping to go on some weekend trips and attend some festivals!   We also have our first race coming up on April 7th. We’re running a 10k, and we’re just praying it’s not a mountain run!

We’re also thinking about where we want to travel over summer and Christmas break. There’s nothing wrong with planning ahead when talking vacation!!

Tonight Beka and I ate at Delhi, the Indian restaurant. Their cheese naan is seriously the bomb! Our curry was really yummy too! Then we went and split a waffle dessert that had whipped cream and strawberries. It was the best waffle I’ve ever had! We took one of my Korean travel books to dinner in hopes of practicing the alphabet but it was the wrong book. We did learn how to say vegetarian, no meat, and water, please. Practice is a necessity if we’re going to learn anything!

Tonight I found out good friends from back home got engaged over the weekend. I’m super excited for Aubrie and Lehr!! Feeling a bit sad that I’m missing their special time!

My older brother is also turning 30 this week. Another time I would love to be home. Wouldn’t it be nice to just zap home for a few days?? Cheers to Josh!

Jen's birthday is this week too. Let's just keep adding to the list! 

Tomorrow marks the first official day of Spring. Yay! Really looking forward to seeing Korea in bloom! 

On the way to the restaurant

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