Monday, April 23, 2012

Like a child fighting sleep

I'm going to regret this tomorrow. Lesson plans are due this week and I pretty much started tonight. Therefore, I worked late, came home and ate dinner, and then went to a coffee shop with Beka and Ethan to continue working on the plans until almost 11pm. So naturally, when I got home, it was time to relax and unwind from the day. I just so happen to still be unwinding at 1am. Eek. Did I mention that I had a bedtime all the way through middle school of 8pm due to the fact that my mom knew how much I needed sleep? I always have needed sleep and always will need sleep. But hey, why not write a blog if I'm up, right?

Happy Birthday to my friend and sister in Christ, Tamara!! Wish I could be there to celebrate!

A couple of weekends ago we hiked Mt. Daegum. It was full of azaleas and beautiful. Spring has been nice here, minus the whole allergy issue. Thanks to my mom, I'm all set with Claritin D. I'm thankful to have a mom that's willing to send me what I need and want!

On Saturday we went to Costco in Busan. I found lots of goodies! Grapefruit, grapefruit juice, Cinnamon Toast Crunch, chips & salsa, raisin bran, cheese, and my favorite wine! I was so surprised to see it [the wine] that I didn't even mind paying about $7 more for it here. Good wine is beyond hard to find here so it'll be worth it.

Nothing too exciting planned for this weekend but May is turning out to be a packed month. Some tentative plans are a Seoul shopping trip, going to the Yeosu Expo with the church, and hopefully we'll be traveling memorial day weekend too. Looking forward to the upcoming adventures.

Along with many things, lately I've been trying to have a thankful heart. For some reason I've been complaining a lot here and I really want to cut that out!

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
Rejoice always. Pray without ceasing, give thanks in all 
circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. 

This verse really is great for me because I've also been trying to improve my prayer life. On Sunday, I heard the third sermon on prayer since I've been here. And who says God doesn't talk to you?! I'm thankful that He's patient and willing to remind me over and over and willing to always lead me in His path! 

Oh! We've been blessed with many packages so I'm not sure we'll get any more soon but we would also like cloth napkins! I originally had some to pack in my bags but they didn't make the cut. It's funny now that I'm here how much I would have changed what was in my suitcases! Live & Learn!!

It's way past my bedtime.


  1. Oh Alisha. I miss you. Your posts make me smile. :) We were glad to hear Ryan read your letter Sunday. We pray for you every Sunday dear!

    Love you pretty lady.

    P.S. Mt. Daegum is freaking gorgeous!

  2. Hi Alicia! So glad you all enjoyed the postcard! Thanks so much for the prayers! I'm glad that I can listen to the sermons online now!

    Yes, Mt. Daegum is beautiful! I love having mountains near <3

    Love you!
