Monday, April 23, 2012

Like a child fighting sleep

I'm going to regret this tomorrow. Lesson plans are due this week and I pretty much started tonight. Therefore, I worked late, came home and ate dinner, and then went to a coffee shop with Beka and Ethan to continue working on the plans until almost 11pm. So naturally, when I got home, it was time to relax and unwind from the day. I just so happen to still be unwinding at 1am. Eek. Did I mention that I had a bedtime all the way through middle school of 8pm due to the fact that my mom knew how much I needed sleep? I always have needed sleep and always will need sleep. But hey, why not write a blog if I'm up, right?

Happy Birthday to my friend and sister in Christ, Tamara!! Wish I could be there to celebrate!

A couple of weekends ago we hiked Mt. Daegum. It was full of azaleas and beautiful. Spring has been nice here, minus the whole allergy issue. Thanks to my mom, I'm all set with Claritin D. I'm thankful to have a mom that's willing to send me what I need and want!

On Saturday we went to Costco in Busan. I found lots of goodies! Grapefruit, grapefruit juice, Cinnamon Toast Crunch, chips & salsa, raisin bran, cheese, and my favorite wine! I was so surprised to see it [the wine] that I didn't even mind paying about $7 more for it here. Good wine is beyond hard to find here so it'll be worth it.

Nothing too exciting planned for this weekend but May is turning out to be a packed month. Some tentative plans are a Seoul shopping trip, going to the Yeosu Expo with the church, and hopefully we'll be traveling memorial day weekend too. Looking forward to the upcoming adventures.

Along with many things, lately I've been trying to have a thankful heart. For some reason I've been complaining a lot here and I really want to cut that out!

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
Rejoice always. Pray without ceasing, give thanks in all 
circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. 

This verse really is great for me because I've also been trying to improve my prayer life. On Sunday, I heard the third sermon on prayer since I've been here. And who says God doesn't talk to you?! I'm thankful that He's patient and willing to remind me over and over and willing to always lead me in His path! 

Oh! We've been blessed with many packages so I'm not sure we'll get any more soon but we would also like cloth napkins! I originally had some to pack in my bags but they didn't make the cut. It's funny now that I'm here how much I would have changed what was in my suitcases! Live & Learn!!

It's way past my bedtime.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Don't wake me, I plan on sleeping in!

Hello again! 

It's been a while so I'll rewind to Easter. Nothing too exciting but we had Easter service at church and then we all went to Tyson's for a delicious potluck and a time to hang out. There was an egg hunt for the kiddos while singing and guitar playing occurred inside. 

The day before we went to GyeongJu for our race. It was freezing, but we warmed up on our run. Ethan took off for the 1/2 and did an amazing job. Beka, our director, and I took off for the 10k. It was sweet because my director stayed with me for the entire race. At the beginning of the race he'd turn around and wave for Beka and I to run faster. He was a good encouragement and I just thought it was really nice of him to slow down for me. It was a hard run, but it was fun. We're looking for another one to sign up for and hopefully train more this time.

 our principal, me, Beka, Ethan, our director
Pre-race picture

This week we had Wednesday off due to elections. So, we had a girls night in on Tuesday night. Salad. Pizza. Chocolate Cake. Girls. Talking. What else do you need? Melanie even joined us to make it an official sleepover. 

After sleeping in until 11:30am (we were up until 4 something!) we got ready and headed to Okpo for an American brunch. Then off to coffee. Afterwards we walked the board walk in Okpo, and did some shopping for family and friends. We finished the night with our favorite: cheese naan! Too bad we don't have every Wednesday off. I really think everyone should adopt 4 day work weeks. 

Yay for unexpected days off! 

Exciting news: Jen and Will had their baby! Grayson Gardner Root, born April 7th. I wish I could hold the little guy! Thankfully I've already had the chance to Skype with them once and hope to do it again soon. Technology makes living abroad so much easier. 

Beka and I have seen some teenagers wearing thick rimmed glasses without lenses. We thought it was funny but didn't really question it. Then we found some and had to purchase them! We wore them to school the next day like it was no big deal. Our vice principal ended up telling us that celebrities started wearing them without lenses to avoid the glare in pictures and it became a trend. 

How cute is Dylan in this picture?!

Tomorrow is my cats 17th birthday! How fun is that?? A couple of years ago I took her to the vet and they examined her and when they found out her age they were shocked. She's still in good health!  

Happy Birthday Kitty Katie!!

Today we were lucky enough to go on another Korean field trip. And so did every other school on the island! It was the Dinosaur expo, and there were kids everywhere! We were sure we would loose a child, especially mine, but we didn't. It was basically a photo-shoot as we had to stop and take pictures every few steps it seemed. Also, there was a parade at the beginning and it terrified some of the kids to tears! I didn't blame them, it was pretty scary. One of Beka's students literally crawled up Ethan's leg he was so scared. It was an adventure. 

Hanging with the triceratops. nbd.

Okay, that's all the randomness I've got for now. I hope you've enjoyed all the pictures. It's time to play a card game. 

Monday, April 2, 2012

the sound of rain

I've been sitting on my bed, reading, and listening to the sound of rain. I love this sound. The only thing that would make it better is some good ol' Kansas thunder and to be able to watch lightning with it.

Exciting news first: My amazing mom and grandma booked their flights to KOREA!!! They are coming in September. Ask Beka, I am already counting down! 5 months and 1 week until they're here! I feel so blessed to have family and friends that not only want to visit, but can and are going to visit! Reading that email was better than receiving a package!

Oh come, let us sing to the Lord; let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation!  Psalm 95:1

Beka and I had our debut on the worship team at church on Sunday! It still makes me laugh to think of all people, that I am on the worship team! I'm very glad Cherrel has encouraged me to do so but it's still comical at times.

Our church has been a blessing since day one, and I know that feeling will continue. What amazing people we've met! Thankfully, we have a church family to celebrate Easter with next Sunday!

As I've said, our first race is this Saturday. We finally have a name and picture to go with the race. It's the 21st Cherry Blossom Marathon (we're running the 10k, trooper Ethan is running the 1/2) in Gyeongju. Translation: it's going to be a beautiful race!!! Looks like we'll be running some hills, but we knew deep down to expect that. I'm getting pumped!

Tonight I finished Matthew and started Exodus. After the Lord asks Moses to talk to the elders of Israel, and provided him with signs that it was from God, Exodus 4:10-13 reads: But Moses said to the Lord, "Oh, my Lord, I am not eloquent, either in the past or since you have spoken to your servant, but I am slow of speech and tongue." Then the Lord said to him, "Who has made man's mouth? Who makes him mute, or deaf, or seeing, or blind? Is it not I, the Lord? Now therefore go, and I will be with your mouth and teach you what you shall speak." But he said, "Oh, my Lord, please send someone else." 

Sound familiar? How often do we find excuses in our lives to chicken out on what the Lord asks of us? And the Lord's response assures Moses that he will take care of it. He's saying, 'Hello! I made your mouth, and I'll help your words.' But did that satisfy him? Nope. He still requested for the Lord to send someone else. And the Lord, being patient and rich in mercy did send his brother Aaron to help speak. I just find it interesting that people do the same thing in different forms as thousands of years ago. What's God asking you to do that you're telling him you can't do? Don't you know that the God that created you will help you through?

I'll leave you with this:
1 Thessalonians 5:24 He who calls you is faithful; he will surely do it.